Tuesday, January 24, 2006

New Technology

The level of gadgetry at Flock hall has become quite high of late. My goo-dispensing shaver is not the only new toy in the house :

Silicone bakeware - loaf and cake pans, muffin tins, Zoidburgs (oven mits), spatulas, and hot pads, all made of flexible rubbery stuff, nonstick, and able to handle 650 degree temperatures. This stuff really seems like magic - it's the elven cookware of the new millenium.

Laptops - the house is suddenly lousy with them. With Squid and I getting laptops as gifts, everyone in the house now has one but Ben. Poor, technologically disadvantaged Ben*. In fact, even guests like Gina and Christin have laptops - we may make it mandatory for all visitors in the near future. Mine is the only Mac, and I feel the jealous eyes upon me...
*Ben has a new desktop system, so it's not all bad.

Cable TV - the installer is coming on Friday! I have mixed emotions about letting the one-eyed monster into our home, but I feel very cut off from the world without it. We each have our favorite shows - I want to watch Black Books and other British comedies, Mark wants to see The Daily Show, for Britt it's The L Word, Tessa wants Food Network, and Ben is tired of trying to unscramble those cable smut channels by hand. As sad as this may sound, I think it might bring us together more as well. It may serve as the flickering campfire our tribe huddles around in the cold winter months.

Cell phones - we all have them, and mine just got much sexier (see Motorola Razor V3 above). I am not nearly hip enough for this phone. It's so slick - when I pull it out, everyone just assumes I stole it.

My last phone was in the habit of shutting itself off randomly, so I went to see about a replacement. I am somewhat picky about phones; I have several old injuries that make using a phone difficult for me. Due to an accident many years ago, I only hear well in my left ear. Unfortunately, my left elbow and shoulder have suffered a few injuries that make it hard for me to hold a phone to my left ear for long periods of time, so a headset is mandatory for any call lasting more than about five minutes. I have had limited success with headsets - I am hard on them, as I usually manage to catch the wire on something and rip them off my head. I had my last phone for eleven months, and in that time I went through 4 headsets. I am hoping that a wireless headset is the answer. Hence the need for a bluetooth phone like the Razor, and this Motorola bluetooth headset...

When I'm wearing it, it should look something like this...

As I type this on my iBook G4, I am chatting with a friend using my bluetooth headset and munching a piece of bread that Mark baked in silicone loaf pans. Soon, I'll be doing all of that while watching the SciFi channel. If only my death ray were operational, my life would be complete...


Blogger Mandyfish said...

All you need now is someone to follow you around and sing the "Pinky and the Brain" song. Your plans for world domination will soon be complete. Flock Hall will be the new technology mecca.

Or the floor will give under the weight of all the new gadgets.

11:19 AM  
Blogger Big Gay Jim said...

At least the silicone is light and airy. ;) And I am duly jealous of the Razor (Mac's are eeeeevil) and headset. For my next phone, I too shall be moving to the age of BlueTooth.

2:24 PM  

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