Monday, August 22, 2005


We have settled into certain patterns at Flock Hall... call it the Rhythm of Summer. All too soon, classes will start and a new rhythm will have to be established. No more staying up late hanging out and talking. No more afternoons spent napping. No more sleeping in just because we can. No more wandering around downtown with nothing to do. In one week, most of us will be back into the grind of school, and our relaxed commune-style house will have to turn into an academic cloister.

A part of me wants to really go all out this week - burn the last few days of Summer in a white-hot excess. I want to stay out late every night amongst the other Summer dwellers of Laramie, before the influx of students brings Fall with them. Of course that part of me still thinks I'm 25 and can do that sort of thing without paying much of a price.

A quieter, saner part of me wants to get ready for the semester by going to bed earlier each night. Setting my room and desk to rights, eating properly, getting some exercise every day, meditating, and preparing myself for the mental efforts to come. That part of me is apparently an 80 year old nun. I'm thinking of quietly stuffing her in a confessional and locking the door.

No doubt, I will do a little of both. I might get to bed a bit earlier, but it's not likely that I'll do it every night - I want to get out to the kite field at least once for a night fly. I'll probably try to get my life a bit more organized, but I'm not going to alphabetize my bookcase. I'm curious how the rest of the inmates here will handle the change... the next few weeks should be interesting.


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